Kratom   Indocoin   Stellar
Deposit Address:   bot
Balance:  0 IDC         Invest! -(0.25% fee)- Divest!     Invested:  0 IDC
Seed: 34784 (0-65535)   Win: < 32256   +   -   2x   1.333..x   0.75x   0.5x
2x payout         Win: 2 IDC             House Edge: 1/64
Drag this slider to select the payout multiplier. Click and use the left and right arrows on the keyboard to move it as well.

Bet 0 IDC   MAX   +   -   2x   0.5x   Roulette   POWH   Connect OAuth


Contact 1
sha256(bin2hex(secret)) =
sha256(bin2hex(secret).":0") =
prefix: 87e0 = 34784

Page load: 9ms

Loom deposit ID: 596985e181d2acc8838f2e5b9b170000     Get loom invite. ( 101000 IDC )
Send INDOCOIN that you have on BitShares or CryptoBridge to btswnfn and fill out the loom deposit ID as the memo to receive it here.
The glyph should match this.
You may also withdraw from here to your BitShares or CryptoBridge account using your id.
Use to search using your account name to find your id.
Most bitshares IDs have "1.2." as their prefix.

Usage redemption funds: 0 IDC
Loom asset ID: 10101010101010101010101010101013x8x8x4b544f2d494e444fxc1d10714
The loom system used here uses a separate data set. Your assets at are not reflected here..